The core staff in Nelson consists of:
Robin Le Couteur (robin”at” our IT and Sketch-up Wiz Kid who leads the charge on all CAD graphics.
Ian McComb (ian”at”, +64 22 315 2592) herds cats for a living
Tracey McComb ( the Company Planning Manager (RMA and Community)
Debora Scholl Dos Santos ( our Administration Specialist
We also lean heavily on:
In Wellington and the Wairarapa:
Davis Cartwright Consulting (+64 274 149 164) who are our lead Landscape Architect and Urban Design Consultants
Simone Ammon undertakes a wide variety of promotional and support activities
Tomlinson & Carruthers Surveyors Ltd (+64 6 370 0800) who are managing the consenting and subdivision processes for us.